We bring marketing science and data science to the table.
We integrate cognitive psychology for truly unique solutions.
Decision Sciences
Understanding what consumers do is one thing. Knowing why makes all the difference!
Looking to learn more about what makes people tick and how to influence human decision making? Is your market research giving nice-to-knows instead of need-to-knows? Let us provide you with cutting edge research that works.
Intelligent Data
Data that can think is the new 'gold' in consumer psychology and predicting behaviour.
Transaction and behavioural data take us only so far. The real gold harnesses the power of statistical sciences coupled with cognitive psychology, that supercharges the insights that make the difference in acquisition and retention.
Smart Research
Predicting the choices that consumers make requires an understanding of cognitive information processing.
We specialise in optimizing XM and connectivity, via advanced cognitive science-based consumer research. Find out how to get customers and keep them there!
Loyalty programs need to connect with customers and offer true value. In today's market, most loyalty programs are Me-Too's. Find out how to differentiate!
Uncover what customers value in a loyalty program by conducting a value-based deep-dive. We find the exact components of your loyalty program that members value.
Brand Power
Find out how to measure the value of your brand amongst your competitors from the consumer's view.
Brand value and its drivers are latent and can only be derived mathematically. Additionally, not all drivers of brand value occur at the same time. Find out how to measure brand value reliably and consistently.
Segment Migration
There is no such thing as a 'simple' segmentation! Complex markets need extremely accurate and dynamic segments with defined trajectories.
Success in your segmentation is determined by predicting segment migration, which determines customer evolution within your brand. Today's markets need surgical precision in defining segments and predictive segment movement.